A six-month stay on the International Space Station can be a pain in the back for astronauts. While they may gain up to 2 inches in height temporarily, that effect is accompanied by a weakening of the muscles supporting the spine, according...
A six-month stay on the International Space Station can be a pain in the back for astronauts. While they may gain up to 2 inches in height temporarily, that effect is accompanied by a weakening of the muscles supporting the spine, according to a new study.
Hardcore Entrepreneur, a concert pianist and aquarium hobbyist! The Founding Chairman of 7 Stones Group of companies & GEUOR Enterprises which caters in the fields of Digital Media Marketing, Web Development, Event Management, Tour Packages and Transport. Managing Director at Alpha Digital & 7S Entertainment – a leading, pioneer Digital content aggregating company in India, Malaysia & Sri Lanka. Strategist of "Karnataka Alps" a team of Celebrity Badminton League representing Karnataka.