Do You Want to Learn SEO but You Don't Know Where


Are you new to SEO?

Do you wonder how it works?

Do you want to learn SEO but you don't know where to start?

You're at the right place, my friends! Let me guide you through all the SEO basics you need to know to proceed with search engine optimization on your own. Welcome to the ultimate SEO guide for beginners.

SEO requires a lot of creative, technical and analytical work. There are many techniques with different goals, however, the main point will remain the same – to be among the highest results in organic searches.


What is SEO?

In general, SEO is about running the right website for the right people. That means the content should be good enough to be linked by other websites. Search engines are used by internet users when they are searching for something. And to become that “something” will be great, won't it?

Search engine optimization is a must   whether you sell a product, service, write a blog, or anything else. To sum it up, if you plan to succeed with your website, you'll need to do SEO.

Wise SEO activities improve your rankings in the search engine results page (SERP). Higher rankings mean higher traffic. If the traffic is engaged, it will bring conversions.


Keyword Research:

Start with locally focused versions of keywords your clients are actually looking for. Let’s determine, which strategic keywords to target in your website’s content, and, how to craft that content to satisfy both users and search engines?

For keyword research ask yourself a few questions:

  • What are people searching for?
  • How many people are searching for it?
  • In what format do they want that information?

Before you help a business grow through search engine optimization, you first have to understand who they are, who their customers are, and their goals.

Let's take the example of a designer suit boutique. They want help improving how they show up in organic search results. To help them, you need to first understand a little more about their customers.

To do so, you might ask questions such as:

  • What types of designer suits are people searching for?
  • Who is searching for these terms?
  • When are people searching for designer suits?
  • Are there seasonality trends?
  • How are people searching for suits?
  • What words do they use?
  • What questions do they ask?
  • Are more searches performed on mobile devices?
  • Where are potential customers located — locally, nationally, or internationally?

And finally — here's the kicker — how can you help provide the best content about designer suits to cultivate a community and fulfill what all those people are searching for? Asking these questions is a crucial planning step that will guide your keyword research and help you craft better content.

If you want to know more about how to create perfectly optimized content for SEO, you can check our another blog, for better understanding and discovering of optimized keywords for SEO.


Discovering keywords:

There would be few keywords in your mind that you would like to rank for. Your products, services, website addresses, or other topics are great seed keywords for your research, so start there! You can enter those keywords into a  keyword research tool   to discover average monthly search volume and similar keywords. It can help you determine keywords are most popular amongst searchers.

Once you enter in your seed keywords into a keyword research tool, you will begin to discover other keywords, common questions, and topics for your content.

Let’s use the example of a wedding planner.

Typing “ wedding planner” into a keyword research tool, you may discover highly relevant, highly searched for related terms such as:

  • Wedding planner in Delhi
  • Best Wedding Planner
  • Top 10 Wedding Planner near me

In the process of discovering relevant keywords for your content, you will notice that the search volume of those keywords varies greatly. Here, you will get target terms that your audience is searching for.

Are you confused about keyword research? Click here to get the easiest ways to do the keyword research.


Uncovering search volume :

Keywords with higher search results require more work and creativity to achieve a higher ranking. This is often referred to as keyword difficulty.

  Big brands often take up the top 10 results for high-volume keywords. It's wonderful to deal with keywords that have 50,000 searches a month, or even 5,000 searches a month.

Getting strategic with search volume:

Now after discovering relevant search keywords for your site, figure out how searches differ by season or location? Let’s take a closer look at five major categories of intent:


1.Informational queries: 

The searcher needs information, such as the name of a brand or some other information.


2. Navigational queries: 

The searcher wants to go to a particular place on the Internet, such as Facebook or the homepage of the company's website.


3. Transactional queries: 

The searcher wants to do something, such as buy a plane ticket or listen to a song.


4. Commercial investigation: 

The searcher wants to compare products and find the best one for their specific needs.


5.  Local queries: 

The searcher wants to find something locally, such as a nearby coffee shop, doctor, or music venue.

SEO is a creative term. The more you are creative, the more likely you will be in the top searches.