How to Do Keyword Analysis and Research for SEO | 7 Stones Digital
Many of you would be wondering what SEO is? Let's take a very simple day-to-day life example- whenever we want to search anything, we simply type topic related words in Google and we get numerous links to get help. These typed words in the search bar are called keywords. SEO stands for search engine optimization to increase the traffic to a website. Keywords optimization is essential for SEO service provider in chennai.
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1. Brainstorm keywords:
The first and simple step of searching keywords is to brainstorm all the possible keywords best suited to your business. Make a list of them. Now it will be easy to see and check the relevance of the keywords yourself. After then they can be placed in order according to the search ranking in search engines.
2. Audience segmentation:
To target audience segmentation is an another important phase in research strategies. Have an insight of the buyer's persona and include the factors like gender, age, average income, location, education, marital status, interests and what would they expect from the brand and how can you help them.
3. Right keyword search tool:
a. Google search:
If one wants to search long tailed suggestions then Google search can be a biggest helping hand. Just type your desired word on Google and it will display 10 phrases related to the search. By using the search can become faster.
b. Ubersuggest :
By entering the major keyword in the search bar this tool will provide the search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and CPC of it. It also tells about the chances to get ranked in the first 20 results for a certain keyword and provides a list of alternatives for it Best Website Development Company In Chennai.
c. Google Keyword Tool:
It's a great tool for the beginners to research for the keywords for SEO. It will tell the numerous information about your keyword as the number of advertisers who are bidding for it, it's local and global monthly searches and it's cost per click.
d. ahrefs' Keyword Explorer:
It actually works like wonder. It gives much information about the keyword. It guides about the search volume, return date and organic and paid clicks. It's keyword difficulty feature shows how many backlinks one needs to rank on the #1page for a certain keyword.
4. Moz Keyword Explorer:
The best thing about Moz Keyword Explorer is it's Priority feature that uses the keyword CTR, search volume and difficulty to create a score for the keyword and to guide whether to optimize for it or not.
These are only some of the tools to use for researching keywords for SEO but there are plenty of resources which you can go for like niche-specific blogs, Q&A sites like Quora, search engines and any other platform where people meet to discuss brands, products, and topics will help you see what your customers are searching for and find perfect long-tail keywords Best Website Development Company In Chennai.
You should also know the latest SEO trends of 2019.Check it now