Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends | Seven Stones

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends to look out fo

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends | Seven Stones

The best and worst about the trend is that it changes so basically the ability to understand contemporary trends and adopting strategies according to them is important for any business so a business with an outdated trend and a depleted implementation is worthless.

Social media can help you engage with the users related to your business and can turn leads into deeds but if your business is not in correlation with the latest social media trends it will eventually vanish among the cluster but if you have the ability to understand the current trends and predict the future changes, you can forecast the future of your business by making better decisions, capitalizing on opportunities and can overcome the fierce competition.

So here are the top 5 Social media trends that might dominate 2019.

Social Is the Key
There is a reason why it is called social media, but many businesses seem to forget that and use it as a broadcast medium, they are providing artificial communication instead of authentic communication that create meaningful relationship because nearly 3 billion people are active on social media across worldwide and each and every one of them have different interests and preferences and you need to examine the group of people related to your business and create a community that fosters deeper relationship.

Social media is a great platform to generate traffic and leads but the important factor of social media is that it gives an opportunity to build a loyal customer base and by posting relevant content that is relatable to your audiences you can build trust and the most exciting thing is this circle grows enormously day by day.

Add a Personal Touch
Recognize, remember and recommend simply put this is known as personalized marketing, a lot of people nowadays have trust issues due to the security breaches and manipulations in recent times so to create trust among the audiences you'll need to gain insight into customer desires and their individual characteristics and create favourable circumstances for them to gain insight into your business values.

Personalise your marketing strategies based on the analysis of your audiences, create quality content that reflects your brands core values at that same time engaging to your customers moreover focus on one to one interactions further provide personalized messages curated based on customer's persona instead of generic advertising messages.

The audiences benefited from your business's personalized services will soon spread the word and many businesses haven't fully implanted personalized services so start now to gain a head start.

Using Chatbots for Lead Generation
Chatbots is the ongoing trend and considered the future of customer management, one part of a successful consumer engagement is answering customer queries on time and Chatbots efficiently answers queries better than human counterparts without any limitations also spoiling resources on backend support can also be reduced using Chatbots moreover customers are also changing constantly like trends and nowadays many prefer to live chat over phone call so it will be a great prospect to invest in Chatbots.

V For Vlogging
63 % of businesses are using video content marketing as a part of their strategy because visually appealing content is more exciting & engaging in that sense video marketing can increase sales conversion rates also video marketing provides good return on investment, video production is easy nowadays as every smartphone is equipped with decent cameras and video editing tools are also improving, just like customers Google also loves videos as Google owns youtube there is a higher possibility that a website embedded with video rank better on search engine but not just any other live videos can let you engage with your targeted audiences real-time to increase brand awareness and trust.

Co - Influence
Unlike regular huge influencers, micro influencers hold influence over a small set of audience ranging from 2000 to 50,000 but their impact is more influential than any huge influencer, because the audience is more targeted based on their passion, business or niche market and then there is trust based on association and due their compact communication circle the engagement is immediate and impactful and if you can build trust with your influencer, you can influence the audience related to your business and you can do that by turning your influencers into your brand ambassadors and let them promote your business or services by doing product review or guest blogging, many big companies have already using micro influencers and it is paying off.

Socail media marketing can be very beneficial for small business. Here is a guide to social media marketing to give you a better understanding.